Saturday, May 11, 2019

My great-grandpa's watch

I’m a little freaked-out.

I inherited a watch from my great-grandfather. Recently, two men in suits showed up at my door who wanted to know about the watch. It's... hard to describe them. They honestly looked completely generic. I don't know how exactly to put it, but it was like they'd deliberately made it so they had no distinguishing features. I think one of them had black hair, maybe? The other might've had glasses. It's hard to say.

They asked if I would be willing to give or sell it to them. I told them I wasn’t interested. After that, they told me they were called Aegis, and said that if I wasn’t going to give them the watch, I should destroy it, or at the very least keep it somewhere secure, like a metal box wrapped in chains. And they said I shouldn’t just throw it away or dump it outside.

I have no idea what's going on. Pranksters, maybe?