Friday, August 28, 2020

The coming storm

There's something at the edges of the Forest that used to be Seattle.

There are strange black shapes covering the trees.

There are countless crows and ravens and blackbirds massed together at the edges of the Forest. Watching, waiting, and defending the Forest against anyone who comes too close with claw and beak and lightning.
The Fears are showing themselves to the world. They don't need to hide anymore, and they know it. 
There is a storm brewing.

Friday, August 14, 2020

One year

It's been one year since the Newborn died and the Forest took its place. One year since the events that led Robin to become a weapon for the Archive to wield. One year since I failed the world.

I know that's not true. I mean, I look at Robin and Leo and I know that they don't blame me for what happened. They blame themselves.

Maybe it would be for the best if I just acknowledged the truth. It wasn't my fault, and it wasn't theirs. It was KRAKEN's fault. Of course it was.

It's so strange to think how powerless they are now. Sure, they're still around, but they've gained no real power. They're still just incompetent fools guided by hatred.

It's almost comforting.