Friday, July 26, 2019

Good news and bad news

You may have noticed I haven't posted in a while. That's because I got a job. So did Leo, for that matter.

You only get one guess as to where.

We'd discussed the possibility before. Neither of us had never really liked the idea of joining ARC, as you may have guessed. That changed when the KRAKEN agents explained just what they're planning on doing with the Newborn and the books. Evidently, they're trying to summon the Newborn's true form.

I know that sounds both evil and ill-advised, and it is, but that's why we joined ARC and not them. From the sounds of it, KRAKEN essentially believe that there was once a golden age where the Fears ruled over humanity as gods, and we worshiped them as such. They believe that the only way to return us to that state is to thrust us into it by forcing us to confront our inability to deal with the Fears, and that we'll accept our new masters with open arms. They think they can force us to return to some sort of imaginary Eden, but I've got news for them. The only difference between before and after Eve ate that apple was that she realized how naked she was.

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