Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Good news

Yes, you read that right, good news. What a welcome change of pace.

ARC has finally made some headway. From the sounds of it, a member of ARC named Jenn Pittman has gotten ARC to finally pay attention to KRAKEN and the Newborn, so they sent some people to find KRAKEN. They found and captured the two KRAKEN agents we had encountered earlier. Apparently, they're a Nest named Wiliam Paine and a Willing Doll named Adrian Sarkos. The Nest is capable of summoning birds with lightning powers, while the other is a voluntary servant of the Wooden Girl, a living puppet that can control people with invisible strings. She lives in a place called the Screaming Tower, where Adrian took the Newborn.

Apparently, after that, KRAKEN hid in a church, where they were under attack by what ARC thinks was the Archive, and more specifically, AMU. KRAKEN had transferred ownership of the Newborn to another branch, but were entrusted with two of the books they'd stolen. This particular branch was in possession of both volumes of Translations of Ancient Sumerian Tablets, which were stolen from AMU. ARC has those now, and they're keeping the KRAKEN agents they captured in custody.

The only thing that went wrong is that they didn't get the Newborn. Which means it's still out there.

Positive thoughts, though, right?

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