Monday, September 21, 2020

Storm brewing

We knew there would be ARC agents stationed all along the Forest's perimeter, trying to contain the Convocation. We knew sending Martyrs there would be suicidal now that ARC has ordered its agents to kill ours on sight.
I tried to tell Magnus to call them off. To pull some strings somehow. But he didn't listen. He let the higher-ups of AMU send the Martyrs to the edges of the Forest. He told me that Martyrs are meant to be expendable. He seemed more comfortable with this than I liked.

I knew how it would end. I knew far fewer of the Martyrs would return than they sent out.
But it didn't matter.
Of the returning Martyrs, only one was willing to speak about what happened.
It was a massacre, just like I knew it would be.
It was horrible. Bloody. Preventable.
We don't know where ARC's West Branch is currently stationed. Their old base now looks like an abandoned but ordinary office building.
We want to cut off the serpent's head. We want to leave the agents stationed around the Forest without intelligence or decision-making.

The higher-ups do, anyways.

So that's the plan. Find members of ARC in the wild, kidnap them, and get the necessary information out of them.

The reliance on coincidence just doesn't make sense to me. I think the higher-ups here at AMU are getting reckless, losing their nerve, going to last resorts first. 
They are only human.

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