Monday, June 17, 2019

My life is a nightmare

Leo came over today. He seemed really shaken.

"I'm really sorry," he said after he got settled in. "But I have to tell you this. Your great-grandpa's watch... it's... I don't know. I really wanted to tell you earlier, but I was worried I was wrong, and... God. You have no idea how worried I've been lately..." He sighed and took a drink of coffee. His hands stopped shaking quite as much. "It's like... this watch, right, it's not actually a watch. More like an egg. An egg for this monster."
I was confused and scared. Understandably so, I would say. "What? What are you talking about?"
"It's going to hatch at some point, if it is what I think it is. It's going to come out of that watch and it's going to try to get out of the box you put it in and it's going to..." He paused to take a drink of coffee again. "It's going to take everything around it and turn it into part of itself."
"How do you know this?"
"It used to hunt me. And if that watch is what I think it is, it's going to hunt you too."
"I thought you said it was an egg. How did it hunt you if it hasn't hatched yet?"
He sighed. "You've heard of the idea of a hive mind, right?"
"Like something with multiple bodies...? Oh. Oh, no."
"Exactly. And you know those books that went missing?"
"Not really, no."
"Well, every last one of them has to do with the thing inside that watch."
"And as to how you dealt with the watch? I don't know if it'll work. It might just make the box part of itself. It'll take whatever it can get, but it likes metal."
"Do we have to destroy it?"
"Either that, or give it to ARC. I don't know if you'd be able to destroy it. It might be better to get them to take care of it. They're professionals."
"I forgot you didn't know yet... Anomaly Research and Combat. They called themselves Aegis when they asked you about the watch."
"...Anomaly? What's that supposed to mean?"
"Like monsters, and things from other worlds, and... that kind of thing."
"So they're like the Men in Black?"

I don't really have any idea what's going on. I just really hope this is some sort of elaborate joke. But if it is, Leo is a much better actor than I ever realized.

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